Aging of the face and neck is inevitable. As the years pass, the skin and deeper tissues loosen over the face and neck. Lines and furrows begin to form around the eyes and mouth, over the forehead, eventually spreading over the entire face. The eyebrows descend, bags and sags form around the eyes, jowls appear along the jawbone, and a fullness appears under the chin. Many factors contribute to the speed at which this occurs including genetics, sun exposure, smoking, sleep, stress, diet, and others. It is not uncommon for patients to feel these changes come suddenly in one year.
The facelift is designed to remove excess skin and fat and reposition the skin and deeper tissues to a more youthful position. The incision is hidden beginning in the temple hairline and extending near the ear canal. It then passes around under the earlobe continuing up behind the ear, and then back into the hair of the scalp. An isolated facelift achieves its best result along the jawline and neck, followed by the cheek region. It does not, by itself, address the eyes, forehead or skin wrinkles. These require other procedures such as Blepharoplasty (Eyelids), Forehead / Brow Lift, or laser skin resurfacing. A combination of these procedures can be performed at the same time.
Patient 1
Facelift, Neck lift, Endoscopic Brow Lift
Before After
Before After
Patient 2
Facelift, Neck lift, Endoscopic Brow Lift
Before After
Before After
Before After
Patient 3
Facelift, Neck lift, Brow lift
Before After
Before After
Before After
Patient 4
Facelift, Neck lift
Before After
Before After
Patient 5
Facelift, Neck lift, Endoscopic Brow Lift, Upper and Lower Blepharoplasties (Eyelids)
Before After
Before After
Patient 6
Facelift, Neck lift, Endoscopic Brow Lift
Before After
Before After
Patient 7
Facelift, Neck lift, Fat Transfer
Before After
Before After
Before After
Patient 8
Facelift, Neck lift, Endoscopic Brow Lift, Fat Transfer
Before After
Before After
Patient 9
Facelift, Neck lift, Endoscopic Brow Lift
Before After
Before After
Patient 10
Facelift, Neck lift
Before After
Patient 11
Facelift, Neck lift
Before After
Before After
Patient 12
Facelift, Neck lift
Before After
Before After